
Professional Accountants | Secundes


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50 and fighting fit!

On 3 July we celebrate a valued director at Secundes Rekenmeesters: Frikkie van Schalkwyk’s 50th birthday! Frikkie’s enduring passion for people and problem-solving has been evident since his childhood days exploring the family farm in Lindleyspoort with his brother. While ...

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Drowning in SARS Debt? Secundes Can Help

Finding yourself in debt to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) can be an unsettling experience for both individuals and businesses alike. Recognising the consequences of outstanding tax debt and knowing your options for resolution is the first step towards ...

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Secundes: Where Values Translate into Value

In accounting, numbers often speak louder than words. However, our firm is not just about numbers; we’re about living up to the values that shape our culture and enhance the service we deliver to our clients. We believe that the ...

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Ring-Fencing Trading Losses

Top-rate taxpayers need to watch out for Section 20A SECTION 20 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 deals with the set-off of losses from a trade against other income.  In general, such set-off is allowed (see sub-paragraph (1)(b)), ...

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