Never do things just ‘for tax purposes’

A decision based solely on tax considerations is likely to be the wrong one “I HATE tax!” These were the words spoken by a director of one of the clients of the audit firm with whom I served articles. Whilst many would agree with this sentiment towards the tax-man, this particular individual’s zeal in devising […]
Don’t suffer the tax consequences of waived debt

Many natural persons or trust shareholders in companies are confronted with the unintended tax consequences of owing an amount on a loan account to the company in which they hold those shares. These tax consequences specifically relate to the “deemed dividend” which arises on interest-free loans (related to so-called “debit loans” in companies). In many […]
Ceasing tax residency: Changes on the horizon for interest and capital gains

Section 9H of the Income Tax Act provides that a natural person’s year of assessment is deemed to have ended on the date immediately before the day on which that person ceased to be a resident for South African tax purposes. Furthermore, that person’s subsequent tax year is deemed to commence on the day that […]
The effect of past transactions on the sale of a business

The sale of a business is often a complex venture and requires consideration of various facts in examining the financial reality behind the sale. From the outset, it is important to consider historical transactions and how they may have a detrimental impact on the current sale being considered. For purposes of this article, several factors […]
Wear-and-tear allowance
Capital expenditure incurred in the production of income and in carrying on of a trade does not qualify for a deduction under the so-called general deduction formula in section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962 (the Act). The Act does, however, grant deductions or allowances for specific types of capital expenditure […]
Analysing tax exemption for dividends
Dividends are a valuable part of many shareholders’ income, but even though they are exempt from regular income tax, it does not mean that they are completely exempt from tax. A dividend can be defined as any local or foreign dividend paid by a resident company of South Africa or a foreign country, provided that […]
Employee share schemes: Spur restaurants suffer a blow
In October 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) handed down judgment upholding the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service’s appeal against an earlier decision in the Western Cape High Court in favour of Spur Group in relation to employee share schemes. The issue for determination by the SCA was whether the high […]